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Response from restRequest.


  • RestResponse



content: string

If the response from the endpoint is not binary, the response will be contained in content. You can check whether the response is binary via the contentType.

contentEncoding: string

Content encoding. This will be an empty string if no encoding.

contentType: string

The response content type e.g. application/octet-stream, application/json etc.

errorMessage: null | string

Error message. This will be null if everything completed successfully.

rawBytes: string

If the response from the enpoint is binary, the response will be contained in rawBytes as a base64 encoded string. You can check whether the response is binary via the contentType.

responseStatus: string

The response status from the enpoint e.g. 'Completed'.

responseUri: string

The URI that was in the request.

server: string

Details about the sevrer that is serving the endpoint.

statusCode: number

HTTP Status code e.g. 200 = OK, 400 = Bad request etc.

success: boolean

Boolean whether the endpoint excecuted sucessfully.

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