Glysade is pleased to announce the initial release of Lead Discovery ChemCharts 4.3.0.  Here are some of the notable features that have been added in this release:
  • CheckBox marking in the table plot (distinct from standard row marking)
  • Column grouping in the table plot — the ability to categorize and group sets of columns
  • Limitby in data functions — adds the ability to run a data function on a row subsets (filtered or marked)
  • Copy visible nodes in the Neighbor Properties visual to the clipboard
  • ‘Find’ function in the Gallery visual
  • Support for data functions that perform fast similarity searches between compounds in data tables or vendor file
Given the limited number of changes between ChemCharts 4.2.0 and 4.3, we expect this release to be stable.  We also advocate for testing and caution prior to pushing any new release out to a Production deployment area.
Here’s a screen capture that demonstrates both CheckBox marking, and column grouping.  Rows 1 and 3 have CheckBox marking applied.  Row 2 has standard marking applied.  CheckBox marking is more persistent than standard marking, and works well with the new LimitBy capability in data functions.